Back from holidays! and with good news - I managed to communicate with the boiler using OpenTherm!
If you remember, the last time I managed to communicate, however, the boiler was not doing what I was telling it to do, namely, to heat up the central heating water to 35 degrees, instead, it was displaying an error state, and not a very informative one, in the small display.
Here is a picture showing the oscilloscope trace, where both the master to slave and slave to master burst messages are visible.
Since I had not implemented a decoder for OpenTherm, to analyse the reply from the boiler, I could not know what the boiler was complaining about. So I came up with a solution: I installed the OpenTherm arduino decoder found in the palebluedot site, and commented my emitter directly to the arduino with the decoder. As expected, the message was going with an data error. After finding a couple of bugs in my manchester encoder, I managed to get a correct message across.
Time to send the message to the boiler.
Another trip to the attic, and the boiler received the message, but didn't start heating up, but also no longer went into the error state. A careful read of the protocol, and I realised that I was disabling the CH when sending the message with ID=0. At the end of page 24, one can read that the "CHenable bit has priority over the Control Setpoint". So, another change to the message, another trip to the attic, and success!! The boiler started up, heating up the central heating water to the set temperature of 35 degrees!!
Next step is to implement the decoder in the same JeeNode, and the make a little PCB shield. After that, it is a matter of software, both in the JeeNode and in the server, to implement the communication layers, and of course, the much awaited and though of PID controller!
LEGO Traffic Light
7 years ago
1 comment:
Wow, great work!
I was also thinking of doing something like this.
I was going to hook this kit up to aan jeenode:
But yours seems to be a more direct approach.
Will you share the end result on jeelabs cafe again ?
(thats how i got here)
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